But the students were removed after a few hours amidst chaos and rioting. Number two, the underlying theme here in the foundation of this whole thing is really we had a right based on Brown v. Board of Education. This was in the wake of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case, in which the U. Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. She knew a new black high school was going to open, but LaNier wanted to go to Central High because it had better resources.
You have access to a better education, is what it boils down to. It had nothing to do with the fact that we had poor teachers. Daily, they endured verbal taunts and physical harassment while at school. LaNier was one of three Little Rock Nine students to return to Central High School after the closing of all Little Rock high schools in , and became the first African-American woman to walk across the Central High School stage to receive her diploma. After graduating from Central High in , she studied at Michigan State University for two years before moving to Colorado.
Education MegaMenu. Higher Education. Classroom Support. Carlotta Walls LaNier. Biography Donate Now. Everyone walked away loving it! A Might Long Way will make you ashamed and proud, angry and hopeful, heartsick and happy A Mighty Long Way provides important context for an important moment in America's history. Civil rights icon and National Women's Hall of Fame inductee Carlotta Walls LaNier motivates audiences with her personal story of perseverance and strength.
Whether in-person or virtual, Ms. LaNier brings to life a moment in history that changed the world while inspiring hope for the future to college students, business leaders, educators, and church groups.