Who is roland in unwind

What happens to CYFI in unwind? He claims that he had an IQ of I say "had" because prior to the events in the book, Cyfi was hit by a car and needed to have his right temporal lobe replaced by an unwind.

His IQ has been reduced to around Having an entire new lobe in his head causes Cyfi some problems. Will there be an unwind movie? Unwind is a potential film based on the book of the same name, written by Neal Shusterman.

It is currently in pre-production under the German film production and film distribution company Constantin Film and Don Carmody Productions, and is co-financed with Voltage Pictures. How did unwind end? After Roland is unwound, Connor is next. But before the procedure can began, Lev's little band of chaotic clappers blows up the unwinding chamber…with Connor inside.

He miraculously survives and ends up with the ID of a blown-up guard in the process. Pretending to be this older boy lets him escape Unwinding.

Who Is Ariana in unwind? Ariana is Connor Lassiter's ex-girlfriend from Ohio. Why is EMBY being unwound? Emby ends up in the same crate with Connor and Hayden for the journey to the Graveyard. Unfortunately for Emby, his parents died, and his aunt didn't have the money to send her own kids and Emby to college, which is why he's slated to be unwound. Unbeknownst to him, Emby actually received one of Harlan Dunfee's lungs.

I had to stop a lot. But I really love this book. Apr 29, AM. My 12 daughter and I were reading the book at the same time. The same book, so we took turns. Sometimes she was ahead of me, sometimes I was ahead of her. When we got to Roland's chapter, she was ahead of me. I had just sat down with my dinner and opened the book to read. I went to take my first bight and could not. I just started crying. My daughter who had already read it said "I know, mommy.

But you have to read it. Jul 11, AM. I was sad to see Ronald being unwound. Even though he was a bad guy he didn't deserve what happened to him. I'm still here I'm still here. That part was hard for me to read. It was probably the saddest part of the chapter in my opinion. Jul 12, PM. When we know Connor got his arm I just lost it figuratively speaking.

Jul 15, AM. Ann wrote: " Gaby: its not that I found the chapter scary, I just found it very disturbing and it made me wonder how I would feel if it happened to me.

I mean I didn't ball or anything it's just that at the beginning of the story he was so awful especially the Risa part so I was like yup he s If you need a new hand because yours was torn off, then yeah go for it!

But if you break your arm, they just give you a new one! Now I know you have good kids like Connor, Risa, and Lev, but up untill Rolands unwinding I was even thinkin that sending the kids that are just going to cause trouble for society…well…. But then during Rolands unwinding I realized that, like most problem kids, he just had a sucky life. And he was sent to be unwound because he was defending his mother and she didn't take his side! Feb 10, PM. It still haunts me, the whole series is amazing, but that one chapter in particular is the one I'll never forget, it was beautifully written and horribly creepy at the same time.

I hated him through the whole book, but I was so sad to see his story end this way, because he was just a misunderstood kid. Then I got curious And more curious until I finally read it and I don't regret reading a single page as it's now my favorite book of all time. Every other book has to hold up to THAT book's glory. Roland's unwinding though was THE scene. The scene everyone recoils at and when people ask me after they started reading it if someone's gonna die I just say: "Chapter 61".

Jun 07, AM. While it was a bit strange to read that chapter, when I found out that he was going to be unwound I had to laugh a little bit to myself. Not because he was being unwound but because of how it came to be for him to be unwound. Simply because he turned in Connor and Risa and tried to sell out the graveyard but in the end he got himself unwound and nobody else. I thought the irony in that was funny. As for actually reading that part, it was a little sad to read about but also interesting, the entire book I was wondering what the process would actually be like, and Neal definitely didn't disappoint when we finally found out.

Dec 06, AM. When I heard that Roland was getting unwound I was very excited. All the things he put Connor and Risa through,and all the heartbreak he gave the Admiral and all the lies he told about the Admiral. He in my mind really deserved to die.

But when I got up to the part where he went through the unwinding process I felt disgusted that someone could do this to a little kid.

A kid that hasn't even gotten to experience life. A kid who doesn't even know how to live on his own. A kid that didn't do anything, but turn two people in to the Juvey-Cops. They treated him like he was a toy they were experimenting on and didn't care about.

This part of the story really touched my heart and now I feel bad for Roland and his family he left behind. Jan 19, PM. When I found out that he was going to get unwound I was kind of sad for his character.

Yes he wasn't the best character or the best person but anyone in his position would probably be the way he was. Now I would have been fine with him getting his ass kicked or even dying but to be unwound is just horrible. I felt so sad while reading his chapter, not only because the unwinding itself but also because he says that no one had ever paid him that much attention before.

I don't think that he deserved to get unwound, I don't really think that anyone would. Apr 15, AM. Roland's chapter was the most disturbing one of the book, especially because he was awake through the entire process. Technically he's not dead, because that's the point of unwinding, so it was incredibly affecting when you realise that once the entire process is complete, and the doctors are being so flippant, Roland's body is pretty much dissected, it's as if he's dead, but he's still alive and he can hear them.

That was horrifying. Mar 30, AM. Ann wrote: "Did anyone else find Roland's unwinding chapter extremely difficult to read? Despite him being the 'bad' guy of the book, I actually had to stop reading the chapter a couple of times because I foun Aug 16, AM. I recently read the entire series, when i first read Roland's chapter, I was in shock, I couldn't focus on anything at all for the rest of the day, I couldn't even cry.

I didn't read what happened next until a few days later. Then I read the chapter in Undivided about his mom wishing that she could take back everything and hoped that he was still alive. I cried myself to sleep after that. Add a reference: Book Author. Search for a book to add a reference. We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards. This rivalry continues until Roland's unwinding. This is when Connor realizes that he was all bark and no bite.

Roland is unwound. In UnDivided ', the letter he wrote at Sonia's was delivered to his mother in Indianapolis. It arrived the day her divorce was finalized. It took her two years to realize she took the wrong side of the fight.

The letter gave her hope that her son was still whole and if he was she would have welcomed him back in a heartbeat, shark tattoo and all. Roland had dreams of being a military boeuf but apparently had too much testosterone, or steroids, or a combination of both, leaving him a little too scary even for the military. Like Connor, Roland got into fights at school— although Connor suspected Roland's fights were much, much worse. Roland is not a killer, but a fighter.

He is said to be strong and brave and a good leader. He's manipulative and uses people for his own personal gain. He is intimidating and has a short fuse, having shouted a lot in the book. According to his own mother, he is a lot like his father, who got sent to prison before he was born. Despite his tough front, Roland is truly afraid of unwinding. He loves his mother, even though she had him unwound. Roland may have gotten his tattoo because, during these days, kids tend to get tattoos when they're little.


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