Why fertilize your lawn

Well fertilized lawns can encourage a healthy ecosystem of microorganisms of good bugs, earth worms, praying mantises, lady bugs and other garden dwellers that fest on pests and unwanted insects. Contact Us for a Free Consultation! Our complete lawn service is designed for both residential and commercial lawns and we keep your lawn healthy without harming your family, staff, or pets.

Mitchel Lawn Care , Ft. What is Fertilizer? Will Fertilizers Help with Weed Control? Can Fertilizers Encourage Fewer Pest? A Few Tips to Remember Before Fertilizing Test your Soil so you can choose a fertilizer based on your soil type Liquid fertilizer is slightly more expensive but it encourages faster growth Granular Fertilizer has a longer lasting Effect A slow release nitrogen prevents your grass roots from absorbing excess nitrogen.

Use a spreader and fill the spreader on a hard surface, where any spills or excess can be swept up and reused. Watch the weather! So, over four weeks, that's a quarter pound of nitrogen per week, which is way too much," Turnbull says. When professional landscapers apply fertilizer, they often drive up in a tanker truck and spray your entire lawn in a remarkably short amount of time.

But pros do this every day, so they know how to factor in for the wind and make sure the yard gets even coverage. And they have the proper equipment to get the job done right. Homeowners, on the other hand, should use granules, which are super simple to apply using a spreader see tip No. Now, the second feeding should happen about four weeks after the first application, around mid-May or so. Then fertilize every six to eight weeks after that straight through to October. For the third feeding, use an organic material, such as manure, instead of a traditional lawn fertilizer.

And remember that fall feeding is critical, too. The roots are going down into the soil and they need fertilizer," Turnbull says. Contrary to what some people think, the more you water your lawn, the more fertilizer it needs. Without a sprinkler system, you can wait an additional two weeks between feedings. Also, be sure to carefully read the fertilizer label to learn whether you should water the lawn before or after applying the fertilizer.

Granulated fertilizers need moisture to break down, and some fertilizers require you to soak the lawn prior to application. When you're ready to pour fertilizer into the spreader, park it on the driveway or patio. If you can't, at least put a tarp under it. This will keep any spilled granules from accumulating in one spot on the lawn, where they can burn and kill the grass. And make sure your hopper is shut before filling up the spreader," Turnbull says. A broadcast spreader is a better choice than a drop spreader for homeowners.

Broadcast spreaders are easier to use, and since they disperse fertilizer a wider distance, there's less chance you'll end up with stripes in your yard caused by not properly overlapping the rows. To fertilize small yards, use a handheld broadcast spreader , which has a hand crank. These compact spreaders are particularly useful for fertilizing narrow side yards, and grassy areas along fence lines, around trees, and behind garages and sheds.

Regardless of what type of spreader you use, be sure to walk at a consistent, steady pace as you apply the fertilizer.

Failing to do so will cause the fertilizer to be spread too thin in some spots and too thick in others. Yes, water and sunlight are essential for grass growth. But just as important is fertilizer. Give your lawn all of the elements it needs with a combination of water, sunlight, and fertilizer. Fertilizing your lawn is very simple and generally only takes about twenty minutes. There are different types of spreads that you can use for even distribute fertilizer around your lawn. Fertilizing is a very simple way to take your lawn to the next level.

You can get liquid or dry fertilizer. Liquid is usually spread with a garden hose, canister, and attachment. Dry fertilizer has a few different options for spreading. No matter your method, it is important that you spread your fertilizer evenly. Want your lawn to grow faster? Feed it fertilizer. Soil alone will not ensure quick growth.


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