His early years as a follower of Jesus were formative and organic, not only in positioning him to become the respected spiritual leader and entrepreneur that he is today, but also equipped him to become a mentor to leaders in vocational ministry, business, and government. Faisal has six published books to date, three of which have been translated into Indonesian, Korean and German.
All English titles are available on amazon. Toggle navigation Menu. Meet Dr. Faisal Malick. Faisal had to live in his car during one of the worst winters in Canada. This did not stop him from sharing the Gospel with others. He eventually was able to move into a basement and his life went back to normal. However, now he had the challenge of his family. He went back to visit them in Pakistan six years after he saw them last. Many try to achieve this mark from their faithful devotion to the ritual of daily prayers.
Faisal has a mark on his forehead. The most interesting thing is that it is not a birthmark. It just appeared when he was about years-old. But today Faisal sees it as a gift. Through this sign, God has opened doors of acceptance Faisal could never open himself.
In Canada, he would meet people at the local Perkins Restaurant. But this newly found passion took him on the road traveling and ministering life in schools, homes, churches and business communities. People would also invite him to speak at home groups, most averaging people, and lives would be transformed. Many that attended these group meetings became pastors, knew pastors, etc. He is the author of six compelling books including: Here Comes Ishmael, Positioned to Bless, The Political Spirit and with nearly a half a million in print, 10 Amazing Muslims Touched by God, a book that is reaching hundreds of thousands of Muslims around the world through the Amazing Muslims Project.
Faisal Malick is the lead pastor of a thriving congregation near Vancouver, BC. He is described as an authentic leader and dynamic conference speaker with a deep reverence for the Presence of God. He has a strategic mandate to the Muslim world and is a unique voice in our times. Best Sellers. Of all the things this businessman could have said, what he did say made me really angry.
He started out by saying Jesus is the Son of God. There was no more blasphemous thing he could have said than that a son of God even exists. If I confessed this, it would send me straight to hell.
How could God have a son? I wanted to confront and debate this speaker. Little did I know that I would encounter the living God in one such meeting.