An Arabic newspaper has named him Islam's "Public Enemy 1. They are listening. They are processing what he is saying and they are talking about him with their friends and family. When Botros challenges Radical clerics to answer his many refutations of Islam and defend the Qu'ran, millions wait to see how the fundamentalists will respond. But they rarely do. They prefer to attack Botros than answer him. Yet, the more the Radicals attack him, the more well-known he becomes. The more well-known he becomes, the more Muslims feel compelled to tune in.
And as more Muslims tune in, more are coming to the conclusion that Botros is right and in turn are choosing to become followers of Jesus Christ. Botros estimates at least 1, Muslims a month pray to receive Christ with his telephone counselors. Some of them pray to receive Christ live on their air with Botros.
And this surely is only the tip of the iceberg, as it represents only those who are able to get through on the jammed phone lines. There simply are not currently enough trained counselors to handle each call. What purpose does commanding people to eat only with their right hands, never their left, serve?
What purpose does commanding Muslims to lick all their fingers after eating serve? Simple: sharia law's totalitarian approach serves to brainwash Muslims, making them automatons that never question their religion, or, in the words of their own Koran, "Do not ask questions that may prove harmful to them.
Botros: This is a very embarrassing topic for me to discuss; and I only do so out of my love for Muslims--though I know it is painful for them to hear. Yet such is how healing begins, through initial pain and suffering. In short, according to Islam's scriptures, Muhammad was, well, a pervert: he used to suck on the tongues of young boys and girls; he dressed in women's clothing and received "revelations" in this state ; he had at least 66 "wives"; Allah supposedly sent him special "revelations" allowing him to have sex with his step-daughter-in-law, Zainab, and to have more wives than the rest of Muslims; he constantly dwelt and obsessed over sex--his first question to a "talking donkey" was if the latter "liked sex"--and he painted a very lurid and lusty picture of paradise, where, according to some top Muslim interpreters, Muslims will be "busy deflowering virgins" all day; and he had sex with a dead woman.
There is more, but why dwell on such shameful things? Again, I stress, it is not I who maintains this but rather Islam's own books--much, of course, not known to non-Arabic readers, as they have never been translated except, as I understand, by some heroes at a website called Jihad Watch.
But wait, here's the key. Many people right now will point at you and make accusations against you for saying these supposedly horrible things. But again, the issue is not that you are making these allegations. The issue is that Islamic scriptures themselves say it. So if Muslims are offended or shocked by these realities then they must confront their own scriptures and deal with them.
They need to confront who wrote them and why, and either accept them or categorically reject them as lies, etc. For the record, pinpoint some Islamic scriptures for us that detail these ingredients of Muhammad's sex life so that, once again, we crystallize that the issue is not you making accusations, but simply revealing what Islamic scriptures themselves say.
Botros: Where does one start? According to the Koran alone , Allah made it legitimate for Muhammad to marry his own daughter-in-law, whom he lusted after. A few verses later , Allah made it legitimate for Muhammad to have sex with any woman who "offered" herself to him--a privilege which was allowed for Muhammad alone. Indeed, these "revelations" which granted Muhammad all his sexual desires were so frequent that his child-wife, Aisha, would often say to Muhammad, "My, your Lord is always quick to fulfill your desires!
All this is from the Koran alone; it would take several hours just to go over the hadiths and sira accounts dealing with the sexual perversions of Muhammad. In fact, I have devoted numerous episodes dealing specifically with Muhammad's sexual depravities--including his sleeping with a dead woman, have a fetish for the smell of menstruation blood, dressing in women's clothing, and so forth.
Jihad Watch has translated many of these. FP: One of your more popular videos is your Ten Demands. What has the impact been of your ministry? Botros: It has been glorious--praise be to God alone, whose instrument I am. Our programs reach millions of Arabic speaking viewers around the world. It is even banned in certain countries, such as Saudi Arabia, even though people from there still manage to access our programs.
Botros: Mostly positive; mostly from those who have, as I call it, "crossed over," that is, converts to Christianity. And of course some are angry and full of hate. But like I said, it is not feedback--positive or negative--that motivates me, but rather unconditional love for those sincere souls living in bondage. Botros: That's what they tell me. In fact, many of them tell me I am like a father to them, which I am honored to be called, though I remind all we have but One Father.
For instance, one man recently contacted me, in tears, telling me how, when he was a Muslim, he wanted to kill me--to cut off my head! He spent much time and effort plotting how he can find me so he can kill me and "please" Allah and his prophet. So he kept watching my shows, hoping somehow to find a clue that would help him locate me. Instead, a miracle occurred: over time, he realized I wasn't making things up, that everything I said was in fact in Islam's books.
He stopped hating me. And in time, he came to Christ. It is stories like these that keep me going. Botros: Well, I have received the answer from Islam's own books. Ironically, Ibn Taymiyya, who happens to be the hero of the modern mujahid movement, explained the prerequisites of prophet-hood very well. Skip to content. Invasion of Egypt. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.
However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Cookie Settings Accept All. Biography Lists News Also Viewed. Zakaria Botros. The basics. The details from wikipedia. Television Botros became widely known in after he appeared on talk shows on the Hayah Evangelical Channel.
A quote from the letter reads: Our ministry's representative in the middle east informed us that the Hayah Channel decided to stop broadcasting Zakaria Botros's talk show, and this is the last month of its broadcast. The ministry did not comment on the cancellation.