Who is paul kirchhoff

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Prem [born ]. Of the great number and diversity of Kirchhoff's researches, those on the Indians of North and South America and his archaeological and ethno-historical work on the little considered northern and northwestern regions of Mexico must be emphasized.

The Mesoamerican culture area encompasses Indian civilizations of the contiguous zone covering the central and southern portions of Mexico, the adjoining countries Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize in their entirety, the northwestern section of Honduras and the northern Pacific coast of Nicaragua.

Kirchhoff defined this region as a culture area whose historical growth was interrelated, based upon common cultural characteristics such as ball courts, hieroglyphic writing and stepped pyramids. Please activate JavaScript to view this page. Paul Kirchhoff. Kirchhoff was instrumental in defining the concept of Mesoamerica , a cultural region sharing a number of common characteristics throughout most of pre-Columbian history, geographically defined as central and southern Mexico and northern Central America.

Kirchoff's mother was as friend of Sonia Liebknecht, wife of Karl Liebknecht. From an early age Kirchhoff was involved in radical politics. By Kirchhoff had left the U.

Kirchhoff defended the positions of the Italian Communist Left , which held that the war was imperialist and that workers should not support either faction. Because the GMT called for revolutionary defeatism in Spain, the Mexican Trotskyists alleged that they were witting or unwitting agents of the Gestapo. Despite the hostile political climate, the GMT managed to publish three issues of their journal Comunismo.

Comunismo again defended the positions of the communist left: the identification of the USSR as capitalist, revolutionary defeatism in all warring nations, etc. Reisse , see also citation in Gray Biblioteca Paul Kirchhoff n. Bourrinet, Philippe Retrieved 6 June Eiffel, P. February He also addresses the allegations made by the Mexican Trotskyists.


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