Who is preacher in pale rider

The voice in the mountains calling Preeeacher Preeeacher was not Stockburn he said it was a voice from the past.

A voice from the past that sounds ghostly what does that tell you? It is confirmed that he is a ghost when Lahood is describing the Preacher to Stockburn. Stockburn says that it can't be the man he knew because he is dead and by his reaction he knows for sure that that man is dead and when he confronts the Preacher in the end he confirms that the Preacher is the man he killed. There are numerous hints in the film that prove that he is a ghost.

Ghost works for me. But I wonder why a ghost would use guns to deliver vengeance, if indeed that was what was going on. Maybe there's an element of "live by the sword, die by the sword" when it came to dispatching Stockton? If you believe he was lucky enough to survive being shot 6 times in the middle of his chest, his heart, with. Suffice it to say it is impossible to survive such a wound. Even today, with our medical technology, it would not be survivable.

So to believe he survived those wounds is absurd at best. There was a point in Eastwood showing us those wounds.

And there was a point in eastwood stating he was a ghost. I don't believe in god. I don't believe in lots of things. But I still enjoy films that have things in them that I don't believe in. If you only enjoy films that have only things you believe in, then you will never enjoy many films as almost every film has something in it that would never happen in real life.

Seriously, humans fight death with sex? What if he was a ninja? Seriously, that's just as plausible as him being a ghost. It was not made clear in High Plains Drifter anyway. He is just as likely to be the Brother of the Marshall as a ghost.

In fact Eastwood says it was supposed to be the brother but he liked the suspense of not knowing which better. The US release didn't. Although him disappearing in the end makes one think ghost. I'm pretty sure the slug pattern in Stockburn is the same as in Preacher with one exception Preacher put one through the head to make sure Stockburn was dead. In High Plains the supernatural is hinted at. Not at all in Pale Rider at least in my opinion. According to Clint Eastwood, yep he was a Ghost.

Now, 'Pale Rider' is that kind of film that could be interpreted the way you want. If you like to think he was a "spirit", good. If not, then that's fine too. The movie works either way since very little is said or even seen about the "Pale Rider". I choose to believe he was a real man who had this strange "supernatural aura". Always arriving at the right moment, never missing a shot, etc. An obscure, shy character who was at the same time bigger-than-life.

Eastwood revealed in interviews that his character is in fact a ghost. The pattern of bullet holes in Stockburn is the same pattern the Preacher had at the beginning of the movie. The second of two westerns starring and directed by Clint Eastwood in which the ending implies that Eastwood's character is possibly a ghost. The first was High Plains Drifter In the scene where The Preacher kills LaHood's own men, there's a man who survives: He's a short man in a bowler hat, and when the preacher asks "Are you through?

The same type of character perhaps even the same actor can be seen at the end of Unforgiven where Clint Eastwood's character William Munny kills the Sheriff and his deputies, and then says "Any men don't wanna get killed, better clear out the back door. The train station set built for this movie was also used in that movie, and Richard Dysart Coy LaHood in this movie, played a barbed wire salesman. Marvin J. Macintyre plays the hill valley undertaker.

Spider Conway is shot 23 times by Stockburn and his deputies. He still doesn't die, and Stockburn himself puts a 24th bullet between his eyes to finally kill him. Sign In. Pale Rider Trivia 39 Add new. Edit Report This. The highest-grossing western at the box office made and released during the s.

This was the only Clint Eastwood western of the s. Clint Eastwood's fourteenth movie for Warner Brothers. Remade as Missionary Man The religious allusions color every scene. As the devil tried to bribe Jesus, the tycoon offers the Preacher riches to change sides.

He appears from behind them to ask,. Eastwood can be subtle. Like Jesus, the Preacher has among his followers two devoted women, in this case a mother and daughter.

The mother, Sarah,. The daughter is named Megan and called Maggie--an echo of Mary Magdalene. The enemy is the devil himself. Eastwood has portrayed a different Jesus: the one who brought not peace but a sword, the one of Revelation who raises the righteous into heaven and casts the wicked into the depths. His is an unusual reinterpretation.


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