It's been 18 years since the last episode of Dawson's Creek aired, and fans are still talking about the series finale. Are you Team Pacey or Team Dawson? However, series creator Kevin Williamson told Entertainment Weekly in that Joey and Pacey's relationship was not endgame, and Dawson-Joey fans would get their happily ever after.
I think that when we meet them they're in a very dark place," Williamson said in reference to where he sees Joey and Pacey today. In his eyes, their relationship had to be fixed a certain way, which even Pacey advised him against. Yet Dawson refused for it to ever be over, which held him back from exploring the world with peace of mind. At that point, having him and Joey end up together would've felt like there was never any growth.
Pacey, on the other hand, loved Joey for who she was. She was annoying, mean and foul-mouthed, but this loquacious attitude is what won him over. She had a fire in her, inspiring him to be a better man, and as that catalyst for change, Joey transcended a typical girl.
He also made her better, which wasn't the case for the more selfish Dawson. He shackled her down knowing she wanted to see the world, whereas Pacey encouraged her to do so, with or without him. Though he thinks they got married and had a family, he added that "there were troubles" between them. This is sort of surprising given that Williamson previously admitted he'd much rather have seen Joey and Dawson end up together. He thinks that the two were true soulmates.
And they have that deep bond of friendship that will never, ever go away. Love Dawson's Creek? Here are a few secrets behind the scenes secrets:. Up Next. Follow Us.