Why does imogen hate her mom

She also asks Mr. Simpson what underwear is he wearing since he's so concerned about it. A moment later, Imogen tells Mr. Simpson that she can't be in trouble since she didn't use Degrassi TV. Imogen is caught and announced to be suspended and on probation indefinitely. When Eli asks about them staying together, she says that she's doubtful that it'll work out.

She had a … During the video, Imogen says that the dress code is sexist and when she unzips her hoodie, she shows that she is wearing a bra on her shirt. The next day, Imogen is seen while she's testing Winston if he can do an interview. Cry Me A River 1 Jack reminds her by saying that the rules keep her from making mistakes and Becky says maybe they also keep you from all the good stuff.

Dawes tells Eli to find someone to give him inspiration and Imogen awkwardly accepts. Imogen tells Becky she can't pretend to like Drew forever and Becky asks why she can't and that doing the wrong thing has gotten her nowhere. Though Imogen is still mad, she tells Fiona she gets what she's trying to do: she no longer wants her as a friend. When she leaves, Imogen says that she needs to wash her hands too, but Becky stops her. Imogen tells Clare really coldly that she's wrong and that she doesn't know what effort Eli put into the play.

They talk about the set and she overhears Marisol and Mo talking about her father. Imogen chuckles and tells him that he's an idiot. He get pissed off and leaves. Imogen tells Becky she's cute when she's mad but warns her to watch out because breaking rules tends to come with consequences. Natalie tells her that she isn't suspended and explains that her father has early onset Dementia. It appears that she can play drums as seen in, She got into design school with Fiona as stated in.

Eli tells Imogen that even though he saw Clare and Jake kiss, he is still completely in love with her and hasn't gotten over her in the least. In Finally 1 , Imogen says that she and Jack broke-up over prom, Becky tells her there was other stuff too, Imogen says now that there's no prom and she doesn't have Jack and what if they were meant to be and she messed it all up, Becky tells Imogen they are going to Jack's house so Imogen can tell her how she feels and Imogen agrees to do it.

Ironically, Fiona, now officially her girlfriend, has begun aping Imogen's former style with studded denim and leather jackets. She breaks down and services come to take the body away. Later, Imogen finds Becky, who reveals things are still bad between her family. He tells them that Degrassi TV needs them and they can negotiate. As Imogen walks off, Clare looks concerned, and Imogen mutters "I hope" under her breath. Imogen meets up with Fiona at the carnival, happy and proud that Fiona succeeded in pulling it off.

Both girls agree to write a dress code which will state that if someone accidentally showed their underwear, they wouldn't be punished, but if they did it on purpose, they would. Pill, explaining them. As the previous impressions she has made at Degrassi, she comes prepare to show a unique, and as Mo calls it "Weird but great" performance, singing along with "singing" water glasses.

Imogen tells Eli that she did it on purpose to get Clare away from him so they could be together. Fiona begins to tickle Imogen and then they start to make out when Drew walks in on them. The original idea for her character was to fake self harm and fake being homeless for attention.

Becky reminds her about the shopping they were going to do, so Imogen asks Jack to come along. Becky then shows up with coffee. Working hard on the project, Fiona starts questioning Imogen about her feelings for their mutual best friend Eli.

Posted by 3 days ago. They both notice that the room is full of girls wearing bras on their shirts, not underneath them. In Out of My Head, Becky is teasing Imogen you love Jack then Becky shows Jack the designs Imogen made for the fashion show and Imogen thinks she hates them and then Imogen changes them which made Becky so angry and told Imogen she wants to talk to her in private and tells her to sit down and think about what she did.

Later on, she is seen practicing with the rest of WhisperHug asking about when they will play their next stadium show. Eli, shocked and confused by Imogen says, "You can let go now. But I couldn't help but feel a new feeling for him. The next day, she walks into class to learn that Fiona actually cleaned and is proud of her. Drew responds that he decided to organize a feast for needy families. In U Don't Know 1 , Imogen is walking the the hallway with Eli and Fiona, they are talking about who will get the role of "Clara", Imogen tells Eli that she's a perfect match, Fiona then walks away.

She has dated Eli, Fiona, Jack, and was attracted to Adam. She had conflicts with Marisol Lewis and Katie Matlin. They walk in on the couple kissing. See more ideas about degrassi, munro chambers, justin kelly. Imogen, along with seven other characters, have lost a love interest to death. She hugs him and he gives her an advice about getting a crew. In Extraordinary Machine 2 , Eli tells Imogen that after kissing her last night, he realized that he wants to get Jake out of the picture so he can be with Clare.

At The Dot Eli attempts to flirt with Clare which she shuts down. Later on, Imogen, Becky and Drew wonder what to do now with the pairs of guys that were seen together at the party. Later on, Imogen sits with Becky at the computer in the resource center and they try to write a new school dress code. Imogen's style began softening during the second half of season They hug.

Clare leaves to talk to Alli as Eli gives Imogen advice about getting back Fiona's offer. She asks Imogen is there anything else that she can help her with. Imogen watches the play from afar. Becky says there's nothing going on between them, while Jack says that Drew can see there's a connection there and Imogen says she supports Becky and Jonah as a couple.

Becky pushes Imogen to ask her out, and Jack says she is busy, but invites Imogen to come with her. Imogen finds out that she is not wearing a bra. Later, after watching Zig's audition, Imogen is seated with Frankie and Winston as they talk about Lola. After school at The Dot, she picks up the box of condoms Dave drops and comments on the condoms. Once inside the foyer, Clare and Drew explain the new rules and everyone watches a video of the new principal, Ms. Eli tells Imogen that she is, what he is to Clare, which is nothing.

Becky tells her that she is going with Imogen, but Jack questions her liking girls. She then walks away claiming it's none of her business. Drew asks Imogen if the real reason for ignoring Becky is what happened between her and Adam, but Imogen denies it nervously. Becky says that she is not a good journalist, but Imogen comforts her and says that there may be another angle for her story.

Imogen telling Becky that Adam truly loved her. She then says that she kept telling herself she deserved better and she hopes that one day she'll believe it. Then towards the end of the episode, when Armstrong finally lets Imogen pee, Bianca is seen stealing money out of her bag. She explains to Principal Simpson what Imogen is going through. She explains that Imogens father and her have always been in contact and that they have been visiting doctors together to check on his progress.

She explains that he was diagnosed with early onset dementia and that it has progressed more quickly than they expected. She explains the effects of dementia to Imogen and that he will eventually have to move into a home. Imogen says that just because she abandoned her dad doesn't mean she will. Imogen visits her in the hospital again, crying. She explains that her father thought she was Natalie and asks if there is anything they can do.

Natalie explains that there is nothing they can do but be there for him. Imogen calls her 'mom' for the first time. In I Want It That Way 1 , she is seen talking with Imogen and Fiona because Fiona wants to have a relationship with her, but is turned off when she mentions her mother Laura Coyne 's house arrest.

They later rekindle when Fiona visits her at the hospital and Natalie tells her that they can go shopping sometime. Imogen says that it may be Drew, since they were a couple before. Becky stands up and Imogen asks her where she is going. Becky responds that she needs to finish her story. Imogen thinks that their investigation is getting a little too deep for Degrassi TV, but Becky responds that Degrassi TV is about stories that affects students. The three then wonder who may have done the assault.

Then, Imogen meets up with Becky and Drew. Becky is upset that they interviewed everyone and no one knows anything. Drew says that obviously someone is lying, but Imogen asks how they are supposed to know who.

Becky responds that they need to dig, but Imogen tells Becky to abort it and cover the Degrassi Sing-Off instead. Becky says that now they now who did it and they have to film the story, but Imogen thinks that they can't accuse people without having real proof. Becky asks Imogen what she thinks she should do, and Imogen tells her to record the Sing-Off. Becky and Drew say that they need to find every picture with two guys on it, but Imogen thinks that the police already thought about it.

Drew adds that an anonymous person posts photos of every guy in school with a label "rapist", what convinces Imogen. Later on, Imogen, Becky and Drew wonder what to do now with the pairs of guys that were seen together at the party. Grace approaches them and says that she's the anonymous person they were receiving information from and that she wants to help. She tells them to send emails to one guy from each pair, in which they have to write that their buddies ratted them out and then they will wait and watch.

Grace says that if it will not work, she has other tricks up her sleeve. That same day, Imogen sits down next to Becky in the hallway. They watch together some suspects' reaction, but there is none. Imogen says that the other pair of guys also didn't react, when suddenly they hear a fight. The rapists are revealed to be Neil Martin and Luke Baker. Imogen can't believe this and neither does Becky.

Imogen says that everyone is scared now and Becky asks her to let her talk to Luke first. They talk about semi-formal and Imogen says that they will go shopping the next day. Becky thanks her for being a great friend. Then, Jack comes to class and she is being introduced by Mr. He asks if any group has room for Jack and Imogen volunteers. Jack joins them and she hits it off with Imogen.

Imogen then asks Jack if she wants to meet after school. At the Baker's home, Imogen and Jack talk about music and Becky isn't with it. Then, the two change the subject to gallery exhibits and Jack boasts that she saw one of them with her ex-girlfriend in Berlin.

When she gets a text, Jack says that she has to go on a date with her mom. She also asks Imogen if she wants to hang out the next day, and she agrees without a doubt. Becky reminds her about the shopping they were going to do, so Imogen asks Jack to come along. Jack agrees and leaves. Imogen then asks Becky if she is mad, but Becky responds that "the more the merrier. Later on, Imogen is again seen with Becky and Jack at the Baker's home.

Becky brings cookies and tells Jack to wash her hands first. When she leaves, Imogen says that she needs to wash her hands too, but Becky stops her. She then asks Imogen to the semi-formal. Imogen accepts the invitation and says that they should invite Jack too. Becky responds that she wants to spend the night only with Imogen to get to know her more intimately.

Imogen is astonished and says that she didn't know Becky felt that way, and Becky responds that Imogen is the most important person in her life right now. Imogen says that it's a date, and then Jack comes back from the bathroom. In Close to Me , Becky becomes jealous when Jack tags along to the dance with her and Imogen, ruining their girl's night. Imogen, Becky, and Jack are practicing their project, and when Imogen leaves, Jack tells Becky that she was going to ask Imogen to the semi-formal.

Becky tells her that she is going with Imogen, but Jack questions her liking girls. At the semi-formal, Becky and Imogen are dancing to a fast-beat song, when suddenly a slow song comes on. Becky tells Imogen that she has never slow-danced with another girl, and Imogen shows her how to. Becky realizes that she can't dance with girls and Imogen is thankful because she wanted them to stay friends. Later, Becky meets up with Jack and tells her that she can go dance with Imogen, because they are just friends.

In Everything Is Everything , Imogen is seen hearing the conversation between Drew and Clare that Eden likes working with kids and she responds just like you. Then she is seen in a room where she is sitting and watching Drew getting lie detected. In How Bizarre , while working on a project together, Becky confesses to Imogen that ever since she confessed about Luke, she feels that her parents hate her.

Imogen suggests that she should try to talk to them and that everyone deserves to have their side of the story heard. Later, Imogen finds Becky, who reveals things are still bad between her family.

She tells Imogen that she has a date, and explains that she has been playing Realm of Doom lately. Imogen asks Becky to promise to be safe. Becky breaks it off with Hunter, who later yells at Becky in front of Imogen. Becky decides that she needs to get a life. Imogen helps Drew when he is upset about losing his job and his fight with Dallas.

Imogen advises Drew to demand his job back since he was wrongfully terminated. Becky joins the two, and Drew leaves them with a compliment towards Imogen, as well as a kiss on the cheek. In Hypnotize , Imogen has been drawing pictures of Jack, and Becky notices, questioning about where they were in their relationship.

Imogen comments that they had a romantic dance at the semi-formal, but nothing has happened since then. Becky pushes Imogen to ask her out, and Jack says she is busy, but invites Imogen to come with her.

Later, Imogen shows up to the dance studio and looks for Jack, but finds her dancing. Jack calls her over, and they flirt in front Lucy. Lucy gives her joint to Jack, who offers it to Imogen. Jack ends up blowing the smoke into Imogen's mouth, who only ends up coughing. When they are both high, Lucy asks them to get food, but Jack turns down the offer when Imogen asks her to show her some moves.

They dance together and end up sharing a kiss. In Out of My Head , Becky is teasing Imogen you love Jack then Becky shows Jack the designs Imogen made for the fashion show and Imogen thinks she hates them and then Imogen changes them which made Becky so angry and told Imogen she wants to talk to her in private and tells her to sit down and think about what she did.

Then Imogen went inside and apologized to Becky. Then Jack says did you change the dresses because of me? And Imogen says yes because you said you didn't like them and because you're so cool and Imogen says she is intimidated by her and Jack says she feels the same and then they end up kissing. Later Becky comes up and asks to be her partner but Imogen is about to respond when Clare comes up and says she's working with her. Then Becky decides to work with Drew instead.

In Thunderstruck , Imogen is seen in the classroom trying to cheer up Becky with a song but it turns out to be Becky's and Luke's song when they were little. Then at the dance Becky goes missing and her Drew and Jack go and try to find her but Jack to go inside because it is dangerous and thinks she is inside somewhere.

In Smells Like Teen Spirit ,. In If You Could Only See , Imogen and Jack sit down in their seats before kissing and talking about going to Roller Derby that night, they start talking about how Becky might feel like a third wheel without someone with her before Becky announces she's sitting behind them and can hear every word. Becky tells them she will come and bring a date too.

Imogen and Jack later help Becky with her dating profile online. They later attend roller derby with Becky and her date Chris , in the end Becky gets them to dump Chris for her.

In There's Your Trouble , Jack approaches Imogen and Becky in a classroom, she grabs Imogen's hand and leads her off to their seats so they can start their class lesson.

Imogen says hi to Jack in the corridor before explaining that she meant the I love you but it doesn't mean Jack has to say it back unless of course she feels the same way and asks Jack if she knows what she means. Jack tells Imogen she thinks they should break-up, Imogen thinks she's joking but then asks if she is serious, Jack says it's not like she doesn't like being with her but she didn't expect this to turn into an exclusive relationship and says she didn't know how Imogen felt about polyamory dating other people while dating each other and not monogamy being with one person romantically.

Imogen is surprised but tells Jack she wants be polyamorous too. Jack says they should take the night off and postpone their date, Imogen says ok and Jack leaves. Imogen gets a status update on her phone from Facerange and sees its a picture of Jack on a date with another girl and feels like she's going to be sick.

Imogen interrupts Jack dancing at the studio, telling Jack she doesn't want to have a polyamory relationship and then tells her she loves her and says that she said what she did because she's scared and commitment is scary. Imogen says she understands but she wants to take a leap with Jack and that if they break each other's hearts in the end, so be it, but she's just a one woman, woman. Jack is shocked and Imogen realizes that she interrupted a children's dance class that Jack is teaching and she leaves.

Imogen is at The Dot when she gets a call from Jack. Jack tells her that she was right about her being scared because she moved around so much, she never saw a point in getting close to anyone. There were parts of what she said that she believed but none of it is worth losing Imogen over. Jack tells her that she loves her and Imogen is left speechless but tells her that she loves her too. Imogen tells her that she'll be there as soon as she can.

After Hunter tells Imogen of Degrassi Nudes, she decides to explore further but Jack shows hesitation in needing to find the truth. Jack continually expresses her belief that they shouldn't continue investigating until Imogen accidentally tells Simpson about the website.

Jack meets Imogen outside and asks what had happened and Imogen informs her that the police will be getting involved, but that there are no leads.

Jack reveals to Imogen that the breasts that were shown belonged to her and that the entire Power Cheer team had taken part in it. Imogen feels betrayed and accuses Jack of cheating which leaves Jack feeling upset. Later on Jack sits by herself and draws when Imogen approaches her. Jack apologizes and Imogen forgives her and they share a kiss.

In Firestarter 2 , Imogen mentions she is excited to see Jack perform in the finals for power cheer and invites Eli who declines.

Becky asks them if its too early for that but Imogen kisses Jack again saying no there's only a few weeks until graduation. Jack says she has to spend the rest of her time after school in detention and Imogen and Jack kiss again. Becky then says that they deserved it because they showed their boobs for money. Imogen follows it up by asking Becky where she has been since they had a week off to repair the damage from the fire and she hasn't seen her once. Jack says she thinks she was with Jonah in which Becky confirms saying they were writing songs but she has a crush on him but is not acting on it because of her recent break up with Drew.

Jonah approaches them and Jack and Imogen both say hi to him before they all head into the school. Once inside the foyer, Clare and Drew explain the new rules and everyone watches a video of the new principal, Ms. Pill , explaining them. Imogen and Jack are't happy with the new rules and Imogen tells them that rules keep you from making mistakes as Becky leaves. Jack and Imogen then comment on Becky being involved in a love triangle because Drew and Jonah both like her.

In class, Imogen and Jack tell Becky her variety show isn't on the list of approved student activities and explain that Drew denied their request because he's jealous of her and Jonah.

Becky says there's nothing going on between them, while Jack says that Drew can see there's a connection there and Imogen says she supports Becky and Jonah as a couple. Jack tells her to go ask Drew to approve her idea by being nicer and Jack shows her she means nicer as in sexier. The next day, Imogen and Jack notice Becky smiling when they enter their classroom and thinks her talk with Drew went well, Becky says it did when Drew approaches them and flirts with Becky, Imogen asks what she does now and explains she took their advice.

Imogen and Jack admit they may have given her bad advice. Imogen tells Becky she can't pretend to like Drew forever and Becky asks why she can't and that doing the wrong thing has gotten her nowhere. Jack reminds her by saying that the rules keep her from making mistakes and Becky says maybe they also keep you from all the good stuff.

Imogen tells Becky she's cute when she's mad but warns her to watch out because breaking rules tends to come with consequences. She is impressed he wrote the script by himself. She asks him why he's being so weird about Lola 's audition and after asking if she can keep a secret and her reply of "when I want to," he tells her that he and Lola kissed. Imogen chuckles and tells him that he's an idiot. He agrees and asks what to do.

She has no idea and leaves him to his own devices. Later, after watching Zig's audition, Imogen is seated with Frankie and Winston as they talk about Lola. Winston wants to replace Lola with Frankie because he only wants to kiss her but Frankie reminds him she's the director. Winston says Imogen can direct but Imogen shakes her head. After additional prodding by Winston, Imogen agrees to but says she can't make any promises that she won't make some weird choices and Winston breathes a sign of relief.

In Wishlist , Jack and Imogen are walking the halls together, Imogen is annoyed that they can't spend much time together now that Jack has detention and Imogen is doing rehearsals for the school play.

Jack tells Imogen she's so cute when she misses her. Drew gives them year book nomination forms for "best hair style" and "best couple. Damon says he'll nominate them if they kiss for him and Jack tells him there's a ban on PDA as a quick excuse.

Imogen gets more upset and tells him they won't kiss for his enjoyment. Damon starts to make homophobic remarks to them and Imogen attempts to hit him. He's basically solid and he enjoys it. She gets more frustrated and kicks him in the balls, which is seen by the new principal Ms. She asks them to come in her office. Imogen tells Ms. Pill she only hit Damon because he was making homophobic remarks to them.

Pill says they will need to get parents involved to take this further and Jack uncomfortably says that he was just a dumb boy mouthing off and won't back Imogen up about what happened, making the principal decide not to take this further.

Outside the office, Imogen attacks Jack saying she betrayed her and that she can't just drop that before walking away. Imogen comes around to see Jack and just as she's about to tell Jack's mom she is Jack's girlfriend, Jack introduces Imogen as her best friend. Jack's mom is happy to meet Imogen since Jack doesn't mention her life at school much. Jack gets her mom to leave and Imogen starts to apologize about before but Jack tells Imogen she's not out to her parents, leaving Imogen shocked.

Jack's mom re-appears and asks Imogen whether she wants to come inside but Imogen declines the offer and says she has a really important closet to clean out before bailing. In Walking in My Shoes , Jack finds Imogen hiding from her in a classroom, Jack asks Imogen not to be mad at her for not being out to her parents, Imogen explains she's mad Jack didn't tell her the truth, Jack says she didn't want her image of being a cool, confident, kick-ass lesbian, Imogen says she still see's her like that and wants to know why Jack hasn't told her parents.

Jack explains that they've moved around a lot and that her parents are her everything and she doesn't want them to change their opinion of her, Jack says this doesn't change things between them but Imogen says it does because she'll be meeting Jack's parent's as her "best friend" and not her girlfriend.

Jack asks if she's okay with that and Imogen says she doesn't have much of a choice and they hold hands. In class, Becky attempts to cheer up Imogen about Jack but Imogen is confused as to why she needs cheering up Becky says it's because she found out her girlfriend is still in the closet and adds that when they talked last night Imogen was upset. Imogen reassures her that she and Jack talked about it and that it's going to be okay. Becky then asks if that means Jack is going to come out and Imogen says no, but that she will support her decision and "be totally understanding and awesome.

Drew comes up to them and congratulates Imogen for being nominated with Jack for best couple and adds that if they edge out Dallas and Alli they have a real shot. He looks behind Imogen and fakes sympathy when he tells Becky that her and Jonah didn't make the ballot. Imogen uses her nomination to prove that they are awesome. Outside the school, Imogen happily approaches Jack and they hold hands.

Imogen tells Jack they got nominated for best couple in the year book and shows Jack her beta test of a hairstyle that is identical to Jack's signature braids. Jack tells Imogen they can't be nominated as her parents will see the year book. Imogen asks if they can't go to prom together and Jack says they can go, but Imogen interjects as friends.

Imogen asks about prom photos, but Jack says she can't risk the photos ending up on social media. Imogen hangs her head and Jack asks if she's ok. Imogen says she knows they are dumb high school things but she was looking forward to doing them with her but now things are different.

Jack says Imogen said she was ok with this and Imogen says that she'll take their names off the nominee list. Imogen goes to get up and Jack calls out for her but Imogen keeps walking.

Jack sighs and puts her hand on her head, frustrated and sad. Imogen walks up to Clare, Alli, and Dallas and asks to borrow Clare for a second to talk, most likely about taking her and Jack off the best couple nominations.

Once Imogen sees Alli and Dallas taking their final picture and hears them bonding over their parents, she changes her mind and tells Clare that Jack simply couldn't make it for a picture but she will get her to come tomorrow.

As Imogen walks off, Clare looks concerned, and Imogen mutters "I hope" under her breath. At the Dot, Imogen arrives and Jack comments on the books she's carrying, saying bookworm looks sexy on her. Imogen sits down next to Jack and gives her some books on "how to come out. Imogen says she did get it but then she realized she didn't get it at all. Jacks says she can't tell her parents and Imogen replies she's not asking her to do it now, but feels as if she didn't care enough about her to consider it.

Jack says how she feels about her has nothing to do with it and Imogen doesn't see how that's true and that she's made so many compromises for her and Jack hasn't. Jack asks if this is about the year book and Imogen says it is but it's not just that and she wants to be her girlfriend all the time and take her mom about to the spa talk cricket with her dad, echoing the conversation she heard between Alli and Dallas.

She offers to help her come out because she has been through it. Jack says that she doesn't want to and wonders how Imogen can't understand that. Imogen says she doesn't understand any of it. Jack tells her if she's not willing to accept that, they should stop the relationship. Imogen reminds Jack they are the best couple at school and Jack says not anymore and walks out on Imogen, officially ending their first relationship. In Get It Together , in class, Becky gets advice from Imogen about her relationship with Jonah and the fact that he won't kiss her.

Imogen is surprised and suggests Jonah is gay and says Becky should ask him. Later, Becky interrupts Imogen's school play rehearsal, Becky tells Imogen Jonah is not gay and he wants to kiss her but he's not a virgin either and she's not ready for that. Imogen explains there are other things they can do besides kissing and tells her to look it up. Outside the school, Imogen asks Becky if she's ready to present her assignment, Becky explains she looked up some porn websites and whispers in Imogen's ear some stuff she found, Imogen says she didn't do that with Jack and asks what sites she went on, Becky says all of them with people doing everything imaginable and maybe Jonah has it right, they just abstinence and she can stop having these feelings, Imogen says its not that easy.

When Becky accidentally shows the sex sites she's been looking at to the whole class, Imogen is pretty shocked. Imogen then tells him that she needs people fully committed.

Zig explains that he stayed up late with his new housemates. Imogen says that this play was suppose to keep him out of trouble and if his "boys" were really his friends they'd understand that he needs time to rehearse and sleep.

In Teen Age Riot , Imogen mentions that she and Jack had to still work on their art project together after their break-up, and it was brutal but they got an A. In The Kids Aren't Alright 1 Imogen is seen at rehearsals for her play and even gives advice to her friends, the actors. In Finally 1 , Imogen says that she and Jack broke-up over prom, Becky tells her there was other stuff too, Imogen says now that there's no prom and she doesn't have Jack and what if they were meant to be and she messed it all up, Becky tells Imogen they are going to Jack's house so Imogen can tell her how she feels and Imogen agrees to do it.

In Finally 2 , Imogen gets a text saying prom's back on to The Dot and Becky thinks she now has somewhere to invite Jack to. Jack sees Imogen from her balcony and is surprised and asks what she is doing here? Jack says she's sorry for walking away from us, Imogen says if she needs ask this she'll always wonder what could have been and if your worried about your parents we will make sure to fly under the radar. Jack says asks me what? At prom, Imogen and Jack are sitting down together, Imogen thinks its like magic that they are at prom together, Jack says she doesn't really think prom is all its cracked up to be, Becky invites them to dance but Jack tells Imogen she doesn't want to and Imogen agrees to stay with Jack since she worked so hard to get her there and wants to soak up every minute of their time together, they both say they missed each other.

Imogen explains last night sucked with Jack because they don't really like the same things and she wished she spent it with her friends instead and admits they are over. Imogen says Jack was important to her but she wasn't the best relationship she had at Degrassi. Imogen puts much effort into using her clothing to stand out from other students. Her creativity is nearly always reflected through her offbeat fashion choices.

She likes colorful clothing, offset by punky and goth-inspired accessories. Imogen enjoys shopping, and according to Fiona, "would sleep at the mall if they let her.

Imogen has also been known to wear "costume" accessories to school such as headbands with furry cat ears. She has a fondness for neon, plaid, and animal prints. Her long hair is rarely worn down, and is usually put up into buns or pigtails. Imogen was introduced in season 11 as a junior with a distinctive sense of style. At this time, her fashion choices were largely affected by her infatuation with classmate Eli.

Influenced by Eli's goth-meets-emo style, Imogen gravitated towards mostly black and red clothing, studded jewelry, military jackets, heavy black boots, and dark eyeliner. Among her many mismatched accessories were her large Buddy Holly-style glasses, though these were soon replaced with more discrete, cat eye-style glasses. Her most unique feature was her hair, which was nearly always worn up in pigtails secured with hair chopsticks. Imogen's style began softening during the second half of season Her newfound friendship and budding crush on Fiona inspired her to dress in a more conventionally feminine way.

While her love of quirky clothing and accessories remained intact, she started opting for clothing in brighter hues such as neon pink and purple. Imogen's dark eyeliner was also replaced with more neutral shades of eyeshadow. In addition, she developed a fondness for cocktail-style dresses and high heels. She also abandoned her signature pigtails, wearing her hair up in single or double buns instead. Imogen has continued to move away from her dark, punk-inspired style in season 12 in favor of more glamorous clothing.

Ironically, Fiona , now officially her girlfriend, has begun aping Imogen's former style with studded denim and leather jackets. Since breaking up with Fiona, Imogen seems to be regressing somewhat to her former cartoony and wild look. She appears to have become fond of patterned button-up shirts, as well as colorful shorts. Her clothing is not as carefully coordinated as it was when she was with Fiona. Indeed, her ensembles have become more distinct and daring, but still remain very feminine.

Imogen's small, cat-eye glasses have been replaced with large glasses with thick black frames, giving her a rather unusual appearance. She has also gone back to sporting a wider variety of hairstyles, often topped with quirky headbands. In addition to rediscovering her love of heavy black eyeliner, Imogen has also developed a liking for lipstick. Season Degrassi Main Characters.


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