People who eat too much fat, carbohydrates , and salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite.
It may also be more prevalent in smokers, those who do not exercise, and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time. Wearing underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks can limit blood flow, and this may contribute to the formation of cellulite.
Cellulite is more prevalent in people who have excess fat, but slim and fit people can have it too. It is more likely to happen after the age of 25 years, but it can affect younger people as well, including teenagers.
Several therapies have been suggested for removing cellulite, but none have yet been confirmed by scientific research. Acoustic wave therapy uses a hand-held device to transmit sound waves. It may work, but it can take several sessions. Laser treatment may improve the appearance of cellulite for a year or more.
It involves inserting a very small laser probe under the skin. The laser is then fired, breaking up the tissue. This can also thicken the skin by increasing collagen production. The thickened skin may reduce the appearance of the cellulite below. Subcision involves a dermatologist putting a needle under the skin to break up the connective tissue bands. Results can last 2 years or more, says the AAD. Vacuum-assisted precise tissue release cuts the bands using a device containing small blades.
As it cuts the connective bands, the tissue underneath moves up to fill the space under the skin, removing the appearance of cellulite. This may last for 3 years, but data on its success is limited. Carboxytherapy involves inserting carbon dioxide gas under the skin.
Side effects include bruising and discomfort after the procedure, but some cellulite might disappear. Endermologie involves a deep massage with a vacuum-like device that lifts the skin.
The United States U. Ionithermie cellulite reduction treatment involves covering the affected area with a special mud or clay, then wrapping it in plastic before applying an electric current. It is not proven to be effective. Radiotherapy aims to reduce cellulite by heating it, but any results are short-term.
Laser-assisted liposuction removes small amounts of fat, but this may make dimpling worse. Research has not yet shown that it works to reduce cellulite. Ultrasonic liposculpting targets and destroys fat, but again, research is lacking to show that it works.
Techniques that the AAD do not recommend include cryolipolysis, which freezes fat, mesotherapy, which involves injecting a mixture of substances under the skin. Despite countless hours spent in the gym coupled with a stringent diet plan, certain areas of the body prove resistant to fat reduction. Did you know that in as little as 35 minutes you can freeze off those pesky fat cells that have adorned your body for years?
Thanks in part to rapid medical advancements, a noninvasive body sculpting treatment called CoolSculpting may be your new best friend. Equally loved by both men and women in Dallas, TX, CoolSculpting is known for its unique ability to tone and obliterate the body of stubborn pockets of fat.
However, it is important to emphasize that CoolSculpting does not get rid of cellulite. It is meant to reduce and eliminate the fat beneath the skin, not the skin itself. Today, with CoolSculpting making waves in the aesthetic industry, there are now real options for those who are resistant to more invasive surgical treatments, like liposuction when it comes to body contouring. Men and women who are close to their ideal body weight but cannot seem to shed those unyielding pockets of fat will love CoolSculpting.
Read below as we take an in-depth look at how the benefits of CoolSculpting can be your reality in as little as 35 minutes. CoolSculpting is a noninvasive, FDA-approved, form fat reduction, or cryolipolysis. CoolSculpting uses controlled freezing temperatures to break down fat cells which are then naturally eliminated through the body over time. The science behind the cold temperatures is utilized for its unique ability to not cause harm to the surrounding cells or tissues, just fat.
CoolSculpting has a fantastic ability to transform the bodies of both men and women in Dallas, TX, with remarkable results that will have your swimsuit ready year-round.
Everybody has specific areas of the body that they wish to slim. Some men and women opt for more invasive surgeries to rid their bodies of fat. Given the expense, some of the following treatments should be avoided altogether — others may be worth a small try.
The good news for cellulite sufferers is that researchers are working to find a solution. Some approaches, such as acoustic wave therapy, laser treatments , and subcision in which a needle is inserted under the skin to break up the fibrous bands responsible for puckering have shown good results. The challenge for researchers is to distinguish between treatments that provide some temporary improvement and those that can change cellulite at the structural level.
Stay tuned. By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Health Topics. Health Tools. Dermatology By Madeline R. Reviewed: October 25, Medically Reviewed.
Other possible causes of cellulite include: Diet Experts note a correlation between a diet high in processed foods and the development of cellulite.